Dear colleagues,
The warm weather and the extended light in the mornings and evenings make this the perfect time of year to commute using bicycles, motorcycles, motor-driven bicycles, and mopeds. But it also means a renewed focus on safety for those riding bikes and for drivers sharing the road.

Bicyclists must wear helmets and follow all traffic laws (obeying speed limits, stop signs, etc.) while on the Lab site. Additionally, cyclists can make themselves as safe as possible by following simple rules:
- Wear reflective or light-colored clothing
- Ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic
- Use appropriate hand signals to communicate changes
- Read more safety tips from the National Safety Council
Motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, and mopeds that require an M1 or M2 license are also vehicles of choice during the warmer weather, and operators of these vehicles need to follow similar rules:
- Wear a properly fitting helmet
- Wear reflective or light-colored clothing
- Take a motorcycle safety course if you are a new or rusty rider
- Watch for road hazards such as potholes or gravel
- Read more safety tips from the National Safety Council
Drivers play an important role in keeping both motorcyclists and bicyclists safe. Look twice when changing lanes as these smaller vehicles can be difficult to see. California law also requires that to legally pass a bicyclist, motorists must maintain at least three feet of distance. Learn more with this Department of Motor Vehicles brochure and this short video.
Be safe out there.
Ellen Ford John Chernowski
Deputy Chief Operation Officer Transportation & Parking Demand Manager