From saving money to reducing your carbon footprint, carpooling offers many benefits over commuting alone:
- Save money: By sharing expenses with other commuters, car pooling saves money on gas, car care and parking fees. It reduces wear and tear on your vehicle. Try’s carpool calculator to measure the money and emissions you’ll save.
- Reduce traffic congestion: Nobody likes to sit in traffic. By car pooling, you’re doing your part to reduce the number of cars on the road. The more people who make that choice, the less traffic congestion there will be.
- Help protect the environment: Fewer cars on the road also means less air pollution, including carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.
- Reduce stress: Driving can be extremely stressful. Sharing driving responsibilities with other commuters gives you a chance to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Once you try it, you may find it’s hard to go back to commuting alone.
- Meet new people: Carpooling is a great way to make new friends and start new professional relationships.
If you are looking for a ride to Berkeley Lab, or want to share your commute, the Lab uses Pave Commute, a rideshare app that matches you with Lab staff or UC Berkeley affiliates who live near you. You will see all possible matches based on the days and times of your commute. Scan the QR code to get started.
Designated carpool spaces are marked at numerous parking areas on the Hill. These spaces are reserved until 10:00am (Monday through Friday) for vehicles with two or more occupants. Two valid parking permits shall be displayed on the vehicle at all times. No special carpool permits are required.
Click on the map below to download the current Commute Parking Map in PDF format.