Riding the shuttles is free, but we ask that you follow a few simple etiquette guidelines:
Tip #1 — Form a Line
Form a line. Wait for those exiting to get off first.
Tip #2 — Wave Down a Shuttle
If you are outside the Lab property, stand near the marked Lab shuttle stop. Be prepared to wave down the Lab shuttle, especially at stops that are shared with other transit systems.
Tip #3 — Show ID to Board
If you are outside the Lab when you board, be prepared to show your Lab ID to the driver as you get on. Shuttle drivers will not let you on without your ID or written permission from a Lab employee.
Tip #4 — Be Courteous to Fellow Riders
On a crowded shuttle, remove your backpack if you are standing. Move all the way to the back of the shuttle so as many passengers as possible can fit. During peak hours, if you’re standing, you may have to get off the shuttle and back on at each stop to allow people behind you to get off. Usually, seats open up at the first stop past the gate.
Tip #5 — Pull the Cord to Get Off
Pull the cord to signal you want to get off at the next stop. All shuttles have a cord running the length of the shuttle about one third down the window. When you pull the cord, there is an audible alert and the “STOP REQUESTED” sign at the front lights up. If this doesn’t happen, alert the driver by calling out “next stop” and let them know.
Tip #6 — Take Your Bike on a Shuttle
Loading and unloading a bike is fairly easy. The Lab’s transportation website has videos to show you how to load and unload a bike. Communicate with the driver by letting them know you are unloading a bike when you exit the shuttle. See the videos for more helpful tips.
Tip #7 — Be Polite
Greet your shuttle driver when entering, and add a quick “thank you” when exiting. It is one way to show your appreciation to the drivers.