The resources linked below aid in effective management of the telecommuting option. Recognizing that telecommuting does not work equally well for all employees, jobs, or work units, approval remains at sole discretion of managers on a case-by-case basis.
- Flexible Work Options Policy
- Telecommuting Guidelines for Employees and Supervisors
- Employee Self-Assessment for Telecommuting Arrangement
- Telecommuting Agreement form:
- Additional Resources: One Minute for Effective Telecommuting Slides
- Feedback Form — Go here to share feedback regarding the AskUs Telecommuting Forms, Flexible Work Options Policy or the Telecommuting Guidelines for Supervisors and Employees
For telecommuting to be successful, it must be well managed. To support successful telecommuting arrangements, Berkeley Lab has revised its Flexible Work Options policy and created a Telecommuting Guidelines for Supervisors and Employees which offers a variety of best practices and resources for employees and supervisors. Additionally, a centralized, automated process for approving telecommuting agreements through the askUS system has been completed. Additional information on telecommuting is provided here.