Eligible staff and affiliates can exchange existing Lab parking permits for new permits beginning Monday, August 28, at the badge office, Building 65A, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Those eligible for a general permit will receive a new Lab blue permit, and those eligible for an orange circle permit will receive a green permit. The new permits must be displayed starting Oct. 2 to enter the Lab’s hill site but can be used at the gate as soon as your exchange is completed.
The exchange must be done in person, and no appointment is needed now through Sept. 15. Appointments will be needed to exchange your permit after Sept. 15. Once the exchange is completed, those with the new blue permits may park in any general or blue triangle space.
This process will be followed now through Friday, Sept. 15. After that date, you will need to make an appointment for the permit exchange.
- Make sure your vehicle is registered. Check to see if your information needs updating.
- Bring your existing permit to Building 65A Mondays through Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bring your Lab ID as well.
- The friendly staff will confirm your assigned permit in a database.
- They will write your Lab ID and the permit expiration date on the appropriate colored permit and exchange it for your old one. The permit expiration date will be the same expiration date as your Lab ID.
- If your vehicle is on site, return to your vehicle and hang up your new permit.
- Done! Enjoy your free parking.
Those with the new blue permits may park in any general or blue triangle space. Blue is now considered general parking. A green permit holder can park in any unmarked personal vehicle parking space or one with a blue triangle or orange circle. A green permit is now equivalent to an orange circle permit. The blue triangle markings will not be repainted. The orange circle markings will be repainted green sometime in the fiscal year 2024.
More questions and answers are posted on the Lab’s commute website.
For more information about the Lab’s change to new parking permits, you can read the parking policy white paper and the article that was published in Elements in July.