A report based on preliminary analysis of the 2016 Berkeley Lab Commute Survey is now available. This report will help inform options to mitigate parking shortfalls due to construction of the Integrative Genomics Building (IGB) at the Bevatron Lot that begins this fall.
Carpooling and Companionship Go Hand in Hand for Staffer
Stacey Gauny of the Biological Systems & Engineering Division studies the effects of radiation on mouse and human DNA and has carpooled for at least three times per week for 23 years with colleague Dave Wilson.
Streamlined Carpool Program Kicks Off
Key details include 30 designated parking spots on the Hill from 5 to 9:30 a.m., eligibility for two-person-per-car commuters, and no separate carpool parking permit required. These revisions seek to mitigate parking shortfalls due to IGB construction.
Carpool or Vanpool? Staffer from Petaluma Manages to Do Both
Marty White, the Safety Coordinator for the Lab’s Physics and Nuclear Science divisions, first started vanpooling in 1974. Today, she vanpools three to four times a week and carpools once a week from the North Bay.
Video of Meeting on IGB Parking Impacts & Commute Options
A briefing on the Integrative Genomics Building, the impacts on parking, commute options, the recent commute survey, and work by the Vehicle and Transportation Advisory Group was presented. Video>
June 27 Meeting on IGB Construction
A briefing on the Integrative Genomics Building, impacts on parking, and commute options will be presented, followed by a Q&A. The event takes place from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Building 50 Auditorium.
A Balanced Approach to Commuting
Amit Kothari tried five commute options in five days for his commute from Dublin: driving alone, carpooling, BART, Lab shuttles, and telecommuting. Kothari shares the results of his week-long experiment.
Take the Commute Survey by June 10
Staffers Share Bike Commuting Tips for National Bike to Work Day
To help you get ready for Bay Area Bike to Work Day, we put together a list of Do’s and Don’ts with the help of veteran Lab bike commuters. More>
Horst Simon Catches Up With Colleagues While Carpooling
In this third installment of the Commuter Chronicles, Deputy Laboratory Director Horst Simon talks about how carpooling has helped him connect with friends and collaborate with colleagues during their commute from Palo Alto to Berkeley. When and why did you start to carpool? I started to carpool from Palo Alto to Berkeley in 1996, about […]
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