From July 1 to August 31, the Lab is changing daily parking requirements to match the off-hour parking regulations which allow anyone with a Lab badge to park at the Lab at any time. General and blue triangle parking spaces will be open to anyone with a Lab badge. Spaces reserved for orange circles, government […]
Bike to Wherever 2022
Several Lab employees celebrated Bike to Wherever Day (formerly Bike to Work Day) on or near May 20 by bicycling throughout the Bay Area and as far away as Bend, Oregon.
Join the Two Wheel Revolution
Get some fresh air, a little exercise, save a little money, and help the environment by biking to work at least once during Bike to Wherever Week (formerly known as Bike to Work Week) from May 16 through May 20. The Lab is joining Bay Area organizations and government agencies in Bike to Wherever Days […]
Rent a Bike, Ride a Shuttle
You can get fresh air, save money, and have a bit of fun by renting a bike and dropping it near a Lab shuttle stop. There are 129 East Bay bike rental locations; 81 in Oakland, 37 in Berkeley, and 11 in Emeryville. Many of these are near a Lab shuttle stop. Some of the […]
Save Money Getting to and from the Lab Using Alternative Commute Options
Interested in reducing your carbon footprint and potentially saving money on your commute using pre-tax and post-tax dollars? WageWorks uses pre-tax dollars to pay for your transit cost, including bus, train, BART, and vanpool. Place an order for a set monthly amount, up to $280, to come out of your paycheck, and the money is […]
What Has Changed at the Lab: Shuttle Cleaning
Depending on the local COVID conditions more people will be returning to Lab sites soon. A lot has changed in the past two years about how the Lab shuttles are cleaned. Heather Pinto, Fleet and Contracted Services manager, discusses what is being done to keep the shuttles a safe environment. Q: What are the three […]
What Has Changed at the Lab: Transportation
In the coming weeks it is expected that more people will return to work at Lab sites. In this conversation with John Chernowski, Senior Transportation Manager, learn about the new shuttles and their features along with other transportation improvements the Lab has made in the past two years. Elements: What are the three biggest changes […]
Parking Permits to be Required at Lab Hill Site Starting March 15
The Lab’s parking permits, which have not been required to be displayed for the past two years, will again be required beginning April 15. If you are eligible for parking and working on site returning soon, have never received or lost your permit, then you can make an appointment to obtain a permit. Parking requirements […]
Shuttle Route Changed; Parking Lots Closed for Friday VIP Visit
An invitation-only VIP event at and outside the ALS Friday morning will change the Blue shuttle route and close Parking Lots N1, N2, N3, and N4 Thursday at 5 p.m. through Friday morning. Please avoid driving near or walking through the ALS area Friday morning due to the expected traffic. The Lab’s Blue route shuttle […]
Parking Permits to be Required at Lab Hill Site Starting March 15
The Lab’s parking permits, which have not been required to be displayed for the past two years, will again be required beginning March 15. If you are working on site or will return soon and are eligible for parking, please make an appointment to get a permit. If you do not have a parking permit […]
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