From July 1 to August 31, the Lab is changing daily parking requirements to match the off-hour parking regulations which allow anyone with a Lab badge to park at the Lab at any time. General and blue triangle parking spaces will be open to anyone with a Lab badge. Spaces reserved for orange circles, government […]
Transportation and Parking Progress Updates
Dear LBNL Colleagues, Since January, we’ve been communicating with you about our shared transportation challenges and asking you for your ideas. We’re pleased that based on your feedback, we’re making significant progress in providing our community with updated commuting options. Your willingness to take advantage of these options is freeing up parking spaces, reducing commuting […]
New Stickers for Parking Hangtags Enhance Site Security
In response to this year’s DOE audit on security, dated stickers will be required on Lab parking hangtags beginning in January. A new sticker will be issued each calendar year (similar to the annual DMV sticker you put on your license plate). This parallels the new policy of adding expiration dates to newly issued badges. The […]
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