Put the letter “e’ in front of bike, and what do you get? Transportation that gets you where you’re going economically and nearly effortlessly. If you haven’t seen one, an ebike, or electric bike, looks like a regular bike, but it includes a small motor and a battery that together provide pedal assistance. It can […]
Three Questions For Brie Fulton About eBikes
We asked regular ebike commuter Brie Fulton for tips on buying, and riding, an ebike for commuting to and from the main Berkeley Lab campus, steep hills and all. She uses her ebike to get to work and to drop off her children at school. Elements: People seem to zoom up the Hill on bikes and […]
Important Safety Message for Bicyclists and Motor Vehicle Operators at the Lab
Dear colleagues, The warm weather and the extended light in the mornings and evenings make this the perfect time of year to commute using bicycles, motorcycles, motor-driven bicycles, and mopeds. But it also means a renewed focus on safety for those riding bikes and for drivers sharing the road. Bicyclists must wear helmets and follow […]
John Chernowski Named Transportation Manager
John Chernowski has been named the Transportation Manager for the Lab after serving six months as interim. In our Three Questions For (3Q4) series, we really only had one driving question for John — knowing what you know about the challenges, you still applied for the job. What were you thinking? Read more >>> […]
Transportation and Parking Progress Updates
Dear LBNL Colleagues, Since January, we’ve been communicating with you about our shared transportation challenges and asking you for your ideas. We’re pleased that based on your feedback, we’re making significant progress in providing our community with updated commuting options. Your willingness to take advantage of these options is freeing up parking spaces, reducing commuting […]
Learn How to Load a Bike on a Lab Shuttle and Other Biking Topics at Safety, Security, and Sustainability Fair
Both experienced and novice bikers will have opportunities to learn more about biking at the Safety, Security, and Sustainability Fair on Thursday, April 25. At the Lab’s Bicycle Coalition table, you will meet employees who commute via bicycle and are willing to share their expertise. You can get hands-on experience — and help — loading […]
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